Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Catching Up


Fishyfishy might disband by next year, so we had a small 'concert' at REDBOX two Fridays ago:

Meron ding videos of MJ's public performance. If you wish to view it, send me an email and I'll give you the link.



Two Saturdays ago, to culminate the company's Safety week, I participated in a treeplanting activity. Nyahahaha... the shovels were too soft and the ground was too hard. But, I got to plant a 3-year old narra sapling and put my name on it.

Here's me on a banana+gatorade break while helping out Geland plant his tree. Photo by Gelpogi. Shades by Oakleys and boonie hat from my airsoft gear collection.

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1 comment:

U.T.O.Y said...

Gotta hand that good shot to the the fotohografer dude! hehehe