Monday, April 24, 2006

:-) In 48 Hours...

... all by MYSELF starting from now, I would have...

. gotten a venti iced mocha at starbucks,
. driven from Batangas to Manila,
. hopped on a plane to Boracay,
. hit the beach,
. gotten a massage,
. met a fabulous lady,
. had dinner with the fabulous lady,
. decided on getting a henna tattoo on either my arm or nape,
. drunk at least the equivalent of 5 beers
. gone wall-climbing,
. took a couple of dozen of pictures,
. bought some souvenirs,
. exchanged stories with old and new friends,
. done whatever crazy deed that can be done,
. hopped back on the plane to Manila,
. drive back to Batangas,
. and check my emails in the office.

Definitely something's wrong with my schedule, but I really really do need a break. Summer's almost out of my grasp.

This is another one of my "first-time" things, i.e., "when was the last time you did something for the first time?". This will be the first time I'm doing a vacation trip to the beach alone. =)

Oh yeah...

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