Medyo magulo itong post na ito, because this is a private joke among a select group of people. This post is a brainchild of three guys with nothing to do better (aside from girl-watching) for a couple of hours at a local coffee shop.
You can't escape the fact that at least once in your life, you have either earned or been awarded a monicker.
monicker -- (n., slang) a name, title or alias
In one of the realities which I would like to call my "neighborhood", there's this guy Boy Bato na sa akala ko ay may konting pagtingin siya kay Sexyback (yeah!), but Boy Bato denies it. Speaking of backs (as in the opposite of front), I happened to hear an old rap song by Sir Mix-A-Lot, circa 1990s, and it goes like this: "...I like big butts and I cannot lie...". Yup, ang title nyan ay "Baby Got Back". We laughed when we heard that song because someone can be Sir Mix-a-Lot and peared, oops I meant paired, with Baby Got Back.

Pairs are inescapable in any society -- I think it's one of the greater laws of the universe. There's Batman and Robin, Starsky and Hutch, and Calvin and Hobbes are examples of pairs. Now, in my "neighborhood", meron din kaming pairs. Perhaps the most obvious examples are CheekBoy and CheekGirl, and they earned their monickers because of their obvious physical assets: cheeks. The not so obvious monickered pairs are the new tandems of Folded and Hung (or is it Hang? Either is appropriate anyway). There's also the very obvious Beauty and the Bwiset, the former being likeable and the latter... well, let's just say that the Bwiset really earned his monicker.
And who could forget our ever popular Sesame-Street-"who are the people in your neighborhood? in your neighborhood?" duo of Ernie and Bert? And the unforgettable 'pork-chop duo' style of Pogi and Pards? And the recent pair of Better and Bes'?
There are also some people who aren't tagged as pairs, and they earn their monickers individually. Babe is one such example. A new guy in the "neighborhood" has a characteristic speech slur that we decided to bestow upon him the title of "Shtrong Aysche"... hic! One of the more cheerful ladies in our neighborhood is called Shnooki, because of her Snooky-Serna-lookalike features some years back. Thinking along the same line, can you figure out who's William Hung in our "neighborhood"?
One person in our neighborhood has a name that in itself has become his monicker: Paul Chang. Try saying "Paul Chang" aloud. It has a nice speech pattern to it, right?
We weren't successful in identifying the monickers for the rest of the "neighborhood". If you have any suggestions, feel free to let us know.
Oh, and by the way, as in pahabol: "Hale Federer!! Animo!" (spelling intended) =)
ang sama nung huli.. hui...
kasali ba ako jan? huhu.. hehe =D
folded and hung (or hang) pertains to pee-pees? and aside from better and bes', don't forget bes' and boo.. =D
hahaha! ano lang naman 'to, light humor. =)
pwede ka rin siguro sa "Beauty and the Bwiset". kinda like-for-like replacement, hehe.
yun lang.
hopefully not replacement for the bwiset.. hahahaha =D
ang cute ng word ko.. "kqtop"
we also talked abt these stuff among the beautiful people of your 'hood and one of easily recognizable ones is "Apeng Daldal". now, who the f*** is this guy?!!
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