It's been a hell of a month so far this June. Two of my system applications at my work area halted (approximate cost to the business: 125K USD), I had two bouts of the flu, a terrible performance in badminton (haven't been playing regularly since May), 74 hours of overtime work for the month of June, and two large pimples just under my nose.
For the first time this month, I was able to sleep soundly and comfortably last night.
Thank goodness all these have been resolved. The pimples though left some scarring on my face (because they broke out at the same time as my sneezing bout care of Mr. Flu).
So come this weekend, I'm getting ready for an all-out gimik! Hehehehehehe...
Thursday, June 30, 2005
Done With Hell
conjured by
3:10 PM
Wednesday, June 22, 2005
Influenza BLOGinitis
TINTOOT passed on this infection to my blogsite. So let's get this over with.
things you enjoy, even when no one around you wants to go out and play.
what lowers your stress/blood pressure/anxiety level?
make a list, post it to your journal...
and then tag 5 friends and ask them to post it to theirs.
1. Playstation2
2. Read, preferably a Stephen King novel (awooooooo!!!!)
3. Look at my vacation photos
4. Doing a few laps at the pool, or go to the gym and sweat it out.
5. Cook
6. Play the piano
Okay, I don't know who else to tag. I guess I'm a terminal carrier for this infection. It ends with me. Hahahahaha!
conjured by
4:09 PM
Tuesday, June 21, 2005
Under the Rain, On the Roof
Last Sunday noon I experienced my first "heavy" rain for this year's rainy season.
I spent it on our roof declogging a drainage line. Water was seeping through our kitchen walls and I volunteered to check the roof drainage.
As I climbed the wooden ladder that I braced against a wall, I got an excited feeling that I haven't felt in a long time.
It's the feeling of being able to do about one's business carefree in the rain.
There I was, humming the battle theme of Gundam Seed while removing dead leaves from our rain gutter. I didn't had a raincoat on --- just a shirt, shorts and slippers. Even when the rain kept on pouring, I didn't mind it one bit.
I was at peace. Man, I haven't felt that in a long time.
Another great feeling: even though it was cold working in the rain, I felt warm inside.
Next time it rains heavily (as long as there's no lightning storm) and I'm indoors bumming around, I think I'll go outside and soak myself under the rain.
conjured by
12:14 AM
Tuesday, June 14, 2005
Iconism and Batman Begins
Okay, okay, I'll admit it. I'm writing this blog entry because I'm all excited on the upcoming movie "Batman Begins."
Batman has been my "superhero" icon ever since I learned how to read and raid my eldest brother's comic book collection. Why? Because he's 100% human. No mutant enhancements, no cosmic ray endowment, no alien technology, no paranormal abilities. His status is, let's say, realistic and attainable enough now.
Batman was such an icon to me that at the age of 5, I had my own Batman costume (I pestered my uncle to buy me one from Canada hahahaha).
All Bruce Wayne has is his body and mind to work with. And of course a motivation to excel and be an expert in his chosen craft (that's where the death of his parents come in). Bruce Wayne didn't become Batman overnight --- he spent a good number of years training for it. It's NOT common knowledge for the average fan to know how and where and with whom Bruce Wayne spent those years in his transformation to becoming The Batman.
But I'm not your average fan.
And that's why I am so excited for "Batman Begins".
Because from the moment I saw the title, I knew that this will be the story of Bruce Wayne's hidden years.
Because from the moment I saw the 30 second trailer, I knew that Ra's Al Ghul will be the primary villain. Did you know that Ra's Al Ghul admires Batman's mental capability so much that he fondly calls him "The Detective"? And it is only Ra's Al Ghul who knows that Batman and Bruce Wayne are one and the same, yet he doesn't attack Bruce Wayne but fights against only the Batman?
My favorite Batman comic book happens to have Ra's Al Ghul as the featured villain. The fights are the same. It's the mental-political dialogue between the two. You see, both of them have sharp minds. What do you expect? Batman was an excellent student (hint).
I hated the other Batman movies for two things: [1] the choice for villains (both the actor and the character, with the exception of Danny de Vito as The Penguin) did not agree well with me and [2] the portrayal of Batman was too "glittery" --- the previous Batmans were not cold or dark enough.
I hope this one turns out to be finally good.
I wonder if I can still find my old Batman costume. If I do so, all I need now is Bruce Wayne's playboy demeanor and oodles of cash so I can live my fantasy. Hahahaha!
conjured by
2:13 PM
Friday, June 10, 2005
+ Gay Whales and Lesbian Frogs
Two jokes:
One: How do you know if a whale is bading?
............ it bites the tip of the submarine and sucks out all the seamen!
Two: What did the lesbian palaka say to the other lesbian palaka?
............ "you know what, we really do taste like chicken!"
Harharharharhar... I have a shallow sense of humor. :D
conjured by
9:57 AM
Wednesday, June 08, 2005
What's on my mind recently?
1. Doing two consecutive laps on wall 3 at Power-up.
2. Weight/mass gain.
3. Finishing Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory on my PS2.
4. Finishing the scope and cost estimate for the Fuel Oil Export Pump project by this week.
5. Deciding on whether to bum at Batangas or Manila over the weekend.
6. Why I don't have telekinesis.
7. Getting those Phuket pictures printed and organized in an album.
8. Whether to buy a new airsoft gun or an IPod mini.
9. What I would do for the country if I were president. Set up a dictatorship!
10. Why people change.
conjured by
10:56 PM
Monday, June 06, 2005
The Alchemist's Interpretation on my Midday Nightmare
ALCHEMIST is my co-moderator at the Dream Section discussion board of Team Zero (a bunch of great guys and girl whom I play airsoft with occasionally). Both of us have interests in dream interpretation and occult knowledge.
Following is her interpretation on my Nightmare entry two topics below. She was able to rationalize my nightmare, as opposed to my knee-jerk reaction of thinking that it was a supernatural/paranormal omen. Ahihihihi...
Ma'am A, consider this as a testimonial to your talent! Thanks again!
Basically, to start with..two interpretations..
first, the teen girl waving at you from a distance could represent a connection with your innocent and childlke nature that could probably be asking to be acknowledged.
or, when related to other symbols in your dream, such as the forest village and treehouses, is telling you about an unresolved issue from your childhood that has somehow shown you certain harsh realities of life at quite an early age. nevertheless, there is a part of you right now in your waking life, that is longing for the past. this is symbolized by the children in your dream, as well as the characters from your childhood nightmares.
a sum of all your fears...
1. costumes in dreams could represent a facade that others have shown you,
2. fangs are hurtful words spoken towards you or at an extreme..a scandal,
3. an ax in a dream serves as an outlet for hostilities that are safer expressed in dreams,
4. rust and blood on the shirts could represent false friends as well as past misbehaviour coming to haunt you.
and more fears...
1. darkness and shadow, fear of the unknown or the inablity to make decisions with insufficient information.
2. halloween, fear of death
3. vampire, someone in your life who has charmed you in some way but may prove to be harmful.
now, the good part..the sage represents the wise man in you where he disproves all the above fears. he tells you letting you experince your own death, to brace yourself for big changes ahead. therefore tells you to leave behind your hurt in the past. the massive tree branches represent your present life where you can fulfill dreams set aside. it tells you to go back to the roots and trace from your childhood what you have always wanted to fulfill, that somehow was set aside because of what you are occupied with at the moment. dreaming of children is also interpreted in the same manner.
conjured by
11:30 PM
Sunday, June 05, 2005
WAP Blog
Stupid me. I forgot that my badminton group is meeting to play at 630 and here I am at the courts at 530 pm. Boooorreeedom. Aaargs.
conjured by
8:50 AM
Friday, June 03, 2005
Drat, I had my worst sneezing bout early this morning. It went non-stop for about 15 minutes when I woke up at 6:30, then resumed a few minutes later. This went on until past eight.
I spent the whole morning at bed.
I've consumed two rolls of tissue paper, 2 cans of juice, 1 liter of water, 2 doses of Decolgen, and must have produced enough decibels from the sneezing to power the TV, Playstation and airconditioning.
And I've got a major headache. If I sneezed some more, I'm afraid that I may have blown my head off.
Body temperature's okay, but I'm still experiencing body chills now and then.
Thank goodness it's Friday. I'll be able to rest a bit, and hopefully be fully recovered after the weekend.
conjured by
2:16 PM
Wednesday, June 01, 2005
++ A Mindwreck's Noon Nightmare
Yesterday noon, I had a surreal dream and possibly an out-of-body experience.
For four days I’ve been experiencing body chills occasionally, a prelude to a flu attack. At lunch hour I’d travel back to my apartment and sneak under the comforter to rest my body and give my immune system a better chance at keeping the flu symptoms at bay. I would doze off for about 45 minutes, just enough rest to sustain myself until five pm when my workday officially ends.
I dreamed that I was walking along a golf course. It was high noon, and I was in my workclothes.
A teen girl was waving at me from a distance, trying to catch my attention.
Eventually, I was at her location. She gestured towards her side. My eyes looked at the direction to which she is pointing. A forest village. Several treehouses resting on massive tree branches. But the forest had a dark shadow to it. It wasn’t a bright, lush forest. It looked like a somber one.
“Follow me,” the girl’s eyes told me.
Mesmerized by the forest village, I followed the girl to the biggest treehouse. While walking down the path to the treehouse, I noticed several village children scampering about carrying macabre costumes and props. I saw a child lug an ax. A boy no older than ten was lifting a bundle of clothes stained with rust and blood. I saw a girl tossing a pair of dentures with hideous fangs as she skipped down the path. “There’s a special event later,” said the girl. “Something similar to your Halloween. The children dress up in clothes.”
“You mean costumes?”
“No, I meant clothes. Those things you saw were the actual items used by the person they took it from.”
“You saw the child with the axe? That axe belonged to an axe murderer. Those teeth with fangs? It belonged to a vampire.”
We eventually arrived at the treehouse. Inside was an old man. “A sage,” I thought.
“How would you like to experience death?” the old man asked me.
“As long as I am able to come back to life I have nothing against your proposal,” I answered.
“Good. We are right in choosing you. Take off your shoes and your shirt, and lie down.”
I did as the old man said. I took off my shoes and my shirt. Then I lay down on a mat. The old man knelt beside me. He placed dabs of cream on my fingertips and toes. And then he chanted.
The girl who escorted me also placed some cream on her hands.
“Are you ready?” the old man asked me.
“Yes I am.”
“Then it shall be done.”
The old man placed his palms on my chest. I felt my breathe leaving my body. I felt the cream at my fingertips and toes hardening like cement. I felt light-headed all of a sudden, and then I was calm.
All ambient noise was immediately gone. I could not hear anything. My eyes were still open, but I could not blink nor move my eyeball. I could see the old man and the girl talking above me. I could see the roof of his treehouse. I could see the kids gathered around me, dressed up in their halloween costumes. And that’s when I panicked.
The kids were dressed up as characters from my childhood nightmares. One was dressed as the Lord of the Vampires. Another was dressed as The Axe Serial Killer. Another dressed like Freddie Krueger. A small female child came as the Singing Witch.
I tried to stand up, but I could not move. And I realized that I was not breathing. But I felt that there was still a little breath inside of me.
Then the girl pressed her palm on my chest, and the last of my breath escaped from my body.
Immediately after that my point of view changed. My view was now from the window outside the old man’s treehouse looking in. There I could see my body lying down on a mat, the old man and the girl and the horror kids standing around me.
I tried to scream, and found out that I can pass through the walls easily. I made a dive for my body to protect it.
And that’s when I woke up.
My breathing was very shallow, and my pulse rate was very low.
Scary, isn’t it?
I still don’t know what it means.
conjured by
11:07 AM