...my legs ache... *groan*
Yesterday was the 2nd day of the Malakas at Maganda ultimate frisbee tournament league. I was one of the rookie players in the team, so I wasn't expecting much field time for the games and had my DSLR cam at-hand for some sports/action photography. The team had to go against 3 other teams yesterday, and each game lasts for 70 minutes.
I ended up playing for about 60-65 minutes for each game mainly because the team was undermanned yesterday, and there were only just enough of us to play the required positions in the game.
That's more than 3 hours of running and sprinting all over the field. And sadly, no action shots.
But, I scored 6 goals and had a positive feeling that I contributed to the team's victory.
My 10 Reasons Why Ultimate Frisbee is a Great Sport
1. Lose the inches. In two weekends of playing, I've lost 1 inch on my waistline (from 31 down to 30) despite gaining 2 pounds on my weight.
2. Tone your legs. All that sprinting, jumping and running around to get possession of the disc will definitely work out your calves, quads and hamstring muscles.
3. Define your ab muscles. Granting that your body fat is not that much, you'll definitely start seeing definition on your ab section. Playing frisbee involves use of the core muscles maybe for all those breaks and sudden turns and mid-air twists, and certainly for those long throws.
4. Cardiovascular workout. Healthier heart and healthier lungs. Easily burn off 500 calories in one game! Second wind gets you going.
5. There's a science involved. Aerodynamics actually. If you can identify the factors of air resistance, disc rotation, tilt, release velocity and direction, you can be confident of the trajectory of the frisbee. Science helps in making you figure out how those some of those spectacular throws are possible.
6. Pain is my friend. Well, I enjoy the feeling of self-induced (muscle) pain. It gives me the feeling of an increased performance level. =) No pain, no gain. I believe that pain makes you a stronger person.
7. Girls. Self-explananatory. =)
8. For the lover of the elements. Play under the sun or the rain, with or without winds, on a dry or muddy field, the game's still on. And doing rolls or dives or slides on the grass is fun!
9. It's fast, and it's a team sport. Mostly physical, but some mental skills also required. Knowing how to utilize all of your team's strengths and cover the weaknesses pays off. It takes all of the team's effort to score a single goal -- handlers, defenders, receivers and runners.
10. It's a cool sport, but the community is cooler. Being a "new" sport, the frisbee community is pretty close-knit, friendly and the potential for networking is high. Moreover, most of the veteran players are more than willing to teach the rookies their tips and tricks in order to improve their skill levels.
Monday, September 29, 2008
conjured by
9:36 AM
Friday, September 26, 2008
Yup, Lissa's got it right. I've been gearing myself up since last night to announce this:
To Lissa, Mommy G, Roms, Chie, Niks, Gert, Aldy, Poch, BM, Tony, Nikki, May, Mae, June, and Lei, and the rest of my blue-blooded friends and "mentors":
CONGRATULATIONS to you and your school for taking the UAAP Men's Basketball title this year. =D
Until next year. Sana may re-match. Hahahaha!
conjured by
2:20 PM
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
The Good and The Bad
If you think you can do a better job than me, I'll be more than happy to get my hands off of this project. I actually DARE you.
I'm already mentally exhausted over it, no thanks to the pressure from different parties. I choose to be credible than be "manipulative".
I'm really disappointed at the way we advocate Honesty and Integrity as core values but fail to uphold it when the pressure's applied.
I and my best friend went out for drinks on Saturday night with his 5-year-old son (my godson) in tow. We just came from a Superfriends-themed children's party earlier and decided to unwind a bit before heading to our respective homes.
Being the guys we are, the two of us soon found ourselves playing the "ratings" game for the girls that we see strolling by.
Me: "Hmm... she's a 7."
Him: "No way, man. At least an 8."
godson: "8!....9!....10!....11!"
Me: "Kid knows how to count. Great."
Him: "He's got gold stars for Math at his playschool. I'm not like that. Mana sa ninong!"
Me: "Dude, that's because I give him the incentive to do well at school, specially in Math. (to godson) Maq, what do you need to do to get a Gameboy?"
godson: "Learn to read and count! Ninong, sa school hindi pa kami nag-r-read... pa'no yun?"
Me: "You can ask your Papa."
Him: "Dude, 9 coming."
Me: "Yup, definitely a 9. Heard that? You can teach him to read."
Him: "My son's going to be a geek."
Me: "Hahahaha... I don't think so."
Godson: "Ninong, ninong, open your eyes! Open your eyes!"
Me: "Why? What do you want me to see?"
Godson: "(whispering) ...ten..."
Maq just spotted a really tall, good-looking lady. And definitely a ten.
conjured by
3:16 PM
Monday, September 15, 2008
What: Ultimate Frisbee Tournament League (All Female/All Male Matches)
Venue: Ayala Alabang Village Country Club
It was generally a hot blistering day last Sunday, but it was a good day to play frisbee and take some action shots.
conjured by
10:51 AM
Tuesday, September 09, 2008
One weekend, my peers got me drunk on Scotch and I woke up not being able to remember more than 70% of what happened the previous night. I woke up on my bed still wearing the same clothes I wore the previous night with the most terrible hangover I’ve experienced in a year, plus a bruise on my shoulder which we haven't figured out yet how I got it.
Another weekend, my best friend got me drunk with wine. I do remember having drinks in the pool at his floating bar with his mom, very late in the night. I woke up at their guest room with no hangover; rather, I felt light and happy.
On another weekend, my cousin got me drunk with beer. He broke up with his girlfriend of 8 years a month ago, resigned from his job, and flying out to Singapore next month. We drank at my place, celebrating. I woke up on our living room couch with no hangover and my cousin snoring, a trail of vomit going to our front door.
Lastly, on another weekend, I fixed myself a shot of whiskey and played the piano (I haven’t played the piano in a long time) and the violin. I had the house to myself. I couldn’t sleep then, but I didn’t want to go out either. I woke up the following day with melodies in my head.
Drinks anyone?
conjured by
12:04 PM
Wednesday, September 03, 2008
Throwing Spagetti on the Wall
If there’s one extraordinary cooking tip that I learned from my Malaysian colleagues MinYee and JayWyn, it’s cooking spagetti noodles.
I’ve been cooking decent dishes for about 10 years now, able to duplicate most of my mom’s dishes. I tried to learn how to cook by being so geeky about it --- making mental models of the heat input, convection, precise measurements, monitoring time and color/smell changes which marked chemical reactions in the pot. I attempted to cook with a scientific approach.
But science experiments are meant to be trial-and-error activities. Food being an expensive commodity nowadays, I realized that making mistakes when cooking can prove to be a very wasteful activity.
Most cooks have it to an art.
And then I figured out that the art of cooking is just a scientific activity wherein the scientist can exploit the tolerance bands of smell, flavor and palatability as a function of time and heat.
But some things, like spagetti noodles, do not have indicators for smell or flavor. Aside from checking the noodle consistency for al dente, I mostly end up with spagetti noodles not to my exact liking whenever I cook it. Al dente is pretty subjective – how do you exactly specify it to the scientific cook?
And then, a couple of smart kids came along and told me to just throw the spagetti noodles on the wall.
If it’s cooked, it’ll stick to the wall. If it’s undercooked, it’ll slide off.
I was skeptic about the theory, but when they demonstrated it to me I was just amazed.
Last night, I cooked a tomato-and-basil sauce and some spagetti noodles for dinner. And yup, I threw a couple of noodles on the wall.
They stuck to the wall looking like albino earthworms.
The noodles turned out to be great, exactly just how I like it.
Next time, I’ll try throwing chicken wings on the wall. Hahaha. Just kidding.
conjured by
9:47 AM