I vow not to eat any meat from 4-legged animals nor consume any softdrinks as my abstinence and penitence for the whole of the Lenten season.
Except for cases of medical emergencies, if any. =)
Wednesday, February 06, 2008
40 Days Penitence
conjured by
3:56 PM
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Four legged? What about Chicks? este Chicken?
what about starbucks? dapat starbucks na rin..
hehe =)
chickens siguro pwede noh? eh how about amputee pigs and cows, ok lang ba yun stip?
dear anne no name oohs: Chicks and chicken are subject to debate with respect to the scope of my abstinence. If so, that would also include grilled pigeons (from Binondo), peking duck and balut.
dear adrienne: Starbucks? How would I cope for my time-outs and alone-times?
dear anonymous: Amputee pigs and cows are originally 4-legged, so they're still part of the abstinence coverage.
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