Last Saturday I played airsoft as usual. Wahoo! Two weekends in a row!
But I encountered a "slight" dilemna.
No, it's not about my gun, although my SIG 552 has been misfiring a bit too often. One of my hi-capacity magazines has been misfeeding and I'll have to disassemble and repair it this week.
No, it's not about my gameplay. Last weekend's game was one of my best games. I happened to "hit" Bushmaster finally! Bwahahahaha... And I hit him at his armpit! I was the last man surviving on our team versus four others (BM included) so I layed prone in a sniping position, using the shadows and glare from the ambient light to my best advantage.
I finally completed my airsoft hitlist of four persons (all of whom I have high regard for their gameplay): BM, Lac, SlagX and Lord_Tyler.
My dilemna isn't related to my relationship with other players. Oftentimes I would prefer to be the quiet and silent type (mostly because of heat exhaustion). I play cleanly and honestly. In case of zombies, I always keep my cool. I don't think I have a problem with that.
Here's my problem:
In 18 months of playing this addicting weekend sport, my official status as a player has always been "lonewolf". No formal team affiliations. My reason is plain and simple: the nature of my work makes my schedule unpredictable. Also factor in my mom's sudden ideas of having a family get-together, my badminton invitations, various events and gimmicks organized by my high school and college friends, the occasional dates... Regular attendance to games will not be a simple matter for me.
Recently I've been playing under the umbrella of the RBG Mercs (because I acquired their team uniform sans their team patch --- their uniform is really great for jungle games) but occasionally I would team up with Team Zero (for my Sunday games) or SOE (by loose affiliation with the RBG Mercs). On several occassions other players will ask me if I'm an RBG Merc or an SOE player or a Zero player. I just tell them that I'm a friendly lonewolf.
Last Saturday I played with Team Mission Specific. And it so happens that their game that I attended was an OP UNITY game. Strictly for members only, AND potential recruits according to Mad. Several times last Saturday I was asked if I'll be finally joining a team.
And that's my dilemna.
Pros/Cons of Remaining a Lonewolf:
+ Flexible schedule
+ No team affiliation
+ No uniform requirement; I can wear what I feel like wearing
+ No hard feelings
(-) No team affiliation = no team identity
(-) Difficulty in signing up for team events such as bivys
(-) Possible handicap on some gamesites
Pros/Cons of Joining TMS:
+ Good crowd (I know about 40% of them at least)
+ Identification
+ I'll admit it, their current BDU is according to my taste (hahaha)
+ In terms of rapport, I'm most comfortable with their group
(--) Potentially hard feelings, lalo na sa ibang matagal ng nag-r-recruit sa 'kin
? the initiation (i hope they're pulling my leg)
? the 25k membership fee (i seriously hope they're pulling my leg, or that it's negotiable at least; pambili ko na yan ng upgraded na G36C eh)
? my attendance (but the way I gather it, a lot of them are missing-in-action)
I've a full week to think about this.
So what will it be? Drop the 'lonewolf' status and check out team membership?
If I didn't have so much fun in last Saturday's game, then making the decision will be an easy one.
Almost 4 pm. I think I'll hit the gym to clear my head.
Monday, July 11, 2005
+ I Have an Airsoft Dilemna
conjured by
9:23 AM
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