Last night, Mac (one of our trainee-interns) invited me for drinks at Jake's/Bryan's place. So over holdem-style poker, I, Emer, Mac, Jake and Bryan finished a liter of Chivas.
At certain points of the game, Geland will send me an SMS to update me on his whereabouts (he borrowed my car three days ago and was returning it late last night).
We adjourned the drinks at around 230am. As I'm already sleepy (and consciously drunk), I drafted an SMS for Geland: "Pogi, tulog na ko. Iwan mo na lang ung car keys sa candle holder sa labas ng bq ko."
Well, it seems that Geland didn't get my message because when I woke up I had the following messages on my phone:
304am, from Geland: Gcing ka pa pre?
336am, from Geland: I left ur keys sa lalim ng floor mat. Lasheng ka na hehehe. Nyt. And thnx u sbra.
Puzzled on why would I get those messages on my phone, I reviewed my 'Sent Items' and found out that I sent out my 230am SMS to a girl-friend of mine instead of Geland. Wahahaha!
1002am, to girl-friend: Wahahaha... I think I missent u a msg dis morning. Hehehehe. Hapi thursday!
1009am, from girl-friend: yep, for a while i was flattered you called me pogi. mwehehe. happy thursday!
Hahaha. That bit of light humor ought to give me a good start for today.
Thursday, December 21, 2006
conjured by
10:14 AM
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style? what style? lasing po ako nun. i have 6 witnesses (including three cats dun sa garahe namin harharharhar).
merry christmas!
SMB tippy...hehe,,,'de nakikisakay lang ako sa kanila...kaya pala all of a sudden di ka na ngtxt yun pala sa girl-friend kuno ka ng txt...tsk tsk sususnod pare isali nyo na ko jan sa cuervo nyts nyo ah para ako naman makapagtxt sa girl-friend kuno mo hehe...loyal chivas drinker pala ko sorry...ciao!
sira, di style-bulok yun. i maintain my innocence!!! hahahaha...
chivas night nun dahil ako drinks host... ayaw ko ng tequila. sige next time, sama ka.
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