Monday, June 15, 2009

Things I've Been Meaning to Blog About...

... but time has suddenly become a scarce resource for me since June 1st, so I haven't blogged about them. I'm actually writing this post down during my mandatory 5-minute break for every hour of data crunching I'm doing.

1. My 2009 Summer Rundown
2. It's-Been-Raining-Again, and You-Know-What-That-Means
3. Ultimate Frisbee Summer League (hooray, our team finished third!)
4. My Brother's Hard Lesson on Failure
5. 5 Books I'd Recommend for the Casual Reader, and Why
6. My Newest Toy -- an awesome electronic drum kit!
7. On Family Ties, and How I Resolved My Suppossed Accidental Fatherhood
8. The Weddings


Advertisement: I've got 10 free tickets to a private screening of Transformers 2 slated on June 21 at the Director's Club in Mall of Asia. Five of them are already spoken for, so there's five more currently with no takers. Any takers?

Here's the catch: It's a purple theme party (I really look stupid in a purple shirt... drat), and you'll need to mingle with 120 other strangers during cocktails and listen to a half-hour presentation of a new product concept to be launched by a certain apparel line.


Okay. Got to go back to my crazy numerical world. I'll be needing a long, long break when this week ends.


Reyjr said...
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Reyjr said...

can i get 2? :p

(p.s. my earlier comment was duty ako, hindi pala. hehehehe!)