A lady friend of mine is looking for her potential life-time partner. She asked me if I know anyone who's available. Her "short list" of requirements:
1. Must be 30-35 years old (guys younger than 30 are not allowed; there's the possibility that they may call her "tita", hahaha!)
2. Pleasing personality.
3. Well-spoken, with good diction, grammar and writing skills (if you pronounce "parents" as "fe-rents", please don't read any further)
4. Must be single and available
5. No children/kids
6. Must not have been married/annulled/separated
7. Willing to commit
I think I should charge her for this advertisement? Naaah.. just kidding. Consider this as my means of helping her out in her search for Mr. Right.
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Looking For
conjured by
3:40 PM
Quips from Jayjay and Annelle's Wedding
Coach Jayjay and Teacher Annelle tied the wedding knot yesterday, and there were so many little things that made it really memorable for the weekend-warriors group.
A bit of history first.
Jayjay was one of the first guys who welcomed me at the MALL, a place in Pasig where airsofters meet every weekend and shoot bb's, when I started showing up by myself --- that is, I didn't have a squad or a team affiliation. The airsoft community then was pretty tight, where you almost knew everybody either by face or by name. Soon, a number of "cool kids" which includes me and Jayjay who really got along together became what is known to be our 'weekend-warriors group' (and later on got tagged as 'mushy-warriors group'), and the group went out for chit-chat over coffee, badminton, wall-climbing, road-biking or the occasional Tagaytay overnight trip regularly.
A number of us refer to Jayjay as coach because his real-life profession is a soccer coach for a private school in Pasig.
Annelle came into the picture about two years after the mushy-warriors group was born. How Jayjay met Annelle, well... I don't really know the details. But Annelle has a strong AND pleasing personality, which sorts of complements Jayjay's easy AND pleasing character. (in other words, I think Jayjay will end up as "ander")
Annelle teaches elementary subjects at a private school also in the Pasig-Q.C. area.
Now that I've presented a bit of who Jayjay and Annelle are, I will now present to you the top 3 quips from Jayjay-and-Annelle's wedding:
3. Officiating priest, after the mass: "I have two announcements to make. First, the mass I have just officiated counts as an anticipated mass so you need not attend mass tomorrow (Sunday). Secondly, like in the movies, this is the part where I get to say 'You may now kiss the bride!'"
2. Stephen, hosting the reception: "You hear that? The sound of glass clinking? Let's make this different. If YOU hear the glass clinking, ALL couples -- not just the newly-wed couple -- will have to kiss each other. Is that okay? Yes? YES!..... It's so much fun to host wedding programs; I can practically get away with anything."
1. Principal sponsor, addressing Jayjay in a speech: "The secret to having a long peaceful and happy marriage can be expressed in two words. You know what that is, Jayjay? No? It's 'YES, DEAR.' "
Congratulations and best wishes, Coach Jayjay and Teacher Annelle!
Pahabol na quips:
a. By Philip, aka Desert Rat: "Ano ba kayong warriors kayo? Nag-asawa lang yung isa, sunod-sunod naman kayong nag-si-si-asawa! Mag-airsoft naman kayo!"
b. By Mr. Leonor, Jayjay's dad: "An advice to you, my son: Women always have the last word in any argument. By default, anything you say after her 'last word' becomes the start of a new argument."
pictures to be posted soon. didn't have my camera with me, so I'll just snag from tinters and niks
conjured by
3:13 PM
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Recent Developments
I've been having a blast the last few weeks, so blogging was one of the activities I've decided to defer. Some of my regular blog-viewers and fellow bloggers started asking if I'm still alive or am just in some remote location without a mobile phone signal.
To satisfy everyone's curiosity (which can kill you), I...
1) ... found out that I and some of my colleagues have been branded by our younger colleagues as "The Cool Kids". Really now? Whoever thought of that label for us must have been thinking that he/she/they are the equivalents of grade 3 students who either look up to or want to belong to the crowd of the grade 4s and 5s.
Personally, I'm not flattered by the label. I'm even concerned a little bit about it.
2) ... am one-month old on my new assignment. Is the assignment appropriate for my skills? Yes. Is the assignment challenging? Yes. Are you happy with your assignment? No.
3) ... was paid a surprise visit by my parents a couple of weeks ago (and stayed with me for one week!). Hahaha... anyway, they prepared a lot of dishes for me and my housemates.
4) ... have upgraded my Rockband Drum skills to EXPERT. Yeah! I even have a couple of songs where I'm in the top 10 of the high scorers in the whole Playstation Network.
5) ... went swimming, beach, swimming, sleep, swimming, sleep during weekends. Except for two weekends wherein I was on business travel.
6) ... kidnapped some unsuspecting colleagues for one-or-twos-and-more for two nights in a row and everyone had a "GOOD" time. p.s. happy birthday, jayw hahaha.
7) ... attended my college buddy's birthday party at an upswing club in Makati, where the crowd was really "friendly" and made me realize that I haven't been to THOSE kind of parties in the last 5 years or so.
When summer is over, I'll need to write about the following:
a) The Cool Kids Label
b) Stip's Theory of the Bachelor Group's Group Dynamics
c) Summer Rain
Happy birthday to my mom (Apr 21) and to Ricky (Apr 23). Thanks to all those who greeted them as well.
conjured by
12:46 PM